Thursday, 2 January 2025

Men and Women of Letters

 What is, or was, a man or woman of letters? Does the phrase still have any meaning or value? These questions have been on my mind recently because I have been re-reading two biographies by my friend of more than fifty years, John Smart: Tarantula’s Web, John Hayward, T.S. Eliot and their Circle (Michael Russell, 2012) and Shores of Paradise, The Life of Sir John Squire: The Last man of Letters (Matador, 2021) Each book is about someone who in his day was certainly thought of as ‘a man of letters’; one of them has those words on his gravestone. But what does the phrase really signify? Who qualifies? Who doesn’t?

Originally, to be ‘a man of letters’ just meant you were literate. However, by the mid-eighteenth century it could be applied to – and adopted by – people such as Dr. Samuel Johnson, whose public persona was as a writer whose range included fiction, poetry, literary criticism (Preface to Shakespeare, 1765, in particular), travel writing, and of course lexicography. In an age in which the essay as a literary form was taken seriously, he was widely admired for the essays he published in his twice-weekly newsletter, The Rambler. He gave his readers to understand that literature could not only give pleasure but could also enhance one’s moral, intellectual and imaginative understanding of life. He was a writer who used his standing as an author and critic to advocate for, and comment on, literature as something essential for society and the individual.   

By the nineteenth century, ‘man of letters’ had become a widely recognised term, but with two not quite overlapping meanings. First, it was used to identify people who had established reputations particularly through literary journalism and publications aimed at a wider, educated but not academic audience. Second, and largely through a series of literary biographies launched in 1878 called simply English Men of Letters, it came to refer to any prominent writer within a range of fields – history, philosophy, poetry and fiction – ranging from Chaucer to Thackeray but including (at first) only one woman, George Eliot. 

The author of the George Eliot biography was Sir Leslie Stephen, who had contributed the opening book in the series, appropriately on Samuel Johnson. Stephen was a quintessentially Victorian man of letters and the founding editor of the Dictionary of National Biography, to which he personally contributed over 370 biographical essays. To most people today, however, he is best remembered as the father of the artist Vanessa Bell and her sister, the writer Virginia Woolf. During the twentieth century, in addition to her formidable achievements as a novelist, Woolf championed the literary essay as collected, for instance, in her books The Common Reader (first and second series: 1925,1932).  A woman of letters? Without a doubt.

Virginia Woolf’s phrase, ‘common reader’, is significant. She addressed all those who had in common an interest in literature. Herself denied a university education by her father,  Woolf wrote for an audience outside the walls of the universities: an audience of people who enjoyed reading for pleasure but who took seriously books and what writers of the past and present had to say; these were people who recognised that literature mattered to them and who believed that literature matters, full stop. You did not have to have a degree in English Literature to qualify; in fact it might disqualify you.

You don’t hear the phrase ‘man of letters’ much these days and this is not just because of its gendered connotation. (Virginia Woolf dealt with that, forensically and passionately, in A Room of One’s Own.) As the twentieth century progressed, the term ‘man of letters’ suffered  because, by contrast with the more serious-sounding ‘literature’, the very word ‘letters’ seemed to imply some frivolous, mannered, dilettante; hence, ‘man of letters’ came to identify writers (essayists especially) tainted by association with the outdated tradition of ‘belles-lettres’.  How easily then do the subjects of the two biographies I have been re-reading wear the mantle of man of letters? JC Squire (1884-1958, familiarly known as Jack Squire) and John Hayward (1905-1965) were both clubbable figures easily identified in the London literary world. Both considered themselves to be men of letters (it was Hayward whose gravestone describes him thus) but they were not friends with each other and their spheres of influence were polar opposites. The one word on Squire’s gravestone was ‘Poet’. 

Squire had risen to prominence both as a poet and as a reviewer and journalist for The New Age and the New Statesman before and during the First World War. As a poet, he was always identified as a contributor to the Georgian Poetry anthologies; his greatest achievement as a man of letters was to found and edit the London Mercury, which became in the entre deux guerres period of the twenties and thirties a very successful and influential journal. He was knighted for his services to literature. The latter years of Squire’s life, frankly but sympathetically described in John Smart’s biography of him, make sad reading, but he was admired by many loyal friends. John Betjeman was one such; indeed, in several respects (as Smart suggests) he can be seen as Squire’s successor. Both men were clearly antagonistic towards, and despised by, the literary avantgarde; each of them had a strong and abiding affection for England and traditional English life and culture. Both were prominent conservationists (Squire had led a successful and very public campaign to ensure the landscape around that Stonehenge would be properly preserved and protected) and each of them embraced the new media of their day. Squire was an early and popular voice on the radio – he was the first person to provide live commentary on the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race – while Betjeman became famous for his idiosyncratic television documentaries. Embracing the opportunities offered by the new mass media greatly increased the public appeal of both Sir Jack and Sir John as writers.

The trajectory of John Hayward’s life as a man of letters was rather different. He knew from an early date exactly what he wanted to be: writing at the start of the Second World War, he explained, ‘When I was a little boy I used to play at being a man of letters. This engrossing game of make-believe kept me quiet for years on end.’ From childhood onwards he was severely handicapped by muscular dystrophy, but he never let this embitter him, unless his reputation for having a biting satirical wit betrayed his frustration at a life lived mainly in a wheelchair. By the time he left school (Gresham’s, where as editor of the school magazine, he was the first person to publish the poems of his younger contemporary, WH Auden) he was already being taken seriously as a scholarly editor of seventeenth and eighteenth century poets. He was commissioned by Nonesuch Press to edit the poems of Lord Rochester even before he had gone up to King’s College, Cambridge. While still an undergraduate he was being described as ‘charming, and brilliant and the most erudite bibliomane in King’s bar none.’ His Nonesuch edition of the poetry and selected prose of John Donne sealed his reputation as an editor; by the end of the Thirties,  when he was still only 35, his wide circle of Bloomsbury and Cambridge contacts and friends (of whom TS Eliot was to become the most significant) ensured he was well known both in Britain and abroad as an important reviewer and commentator on the London literary scene . 

Poetry editions and anthologies added further to Hayward’s visibility and reputation. From 1934-1938 he was chief London editor of the New York Sun, for which he wrote a regular column called ‘London Letter’. Full of literary news and gossip, as well as reviews of books, plays and exhibitions, this column had the breadth and informality that today one might associate with a blog or a podcast. After the war much of his literary attention was focused on editing a new journal, The Book Collector. For this, too, he wrote a regular column that became essential reading for anyone interested in the world of books, book collecting and literary life. He himself by this time was recognised as one of the most important authorities both on the history of the printed book and on the great private collections of books held in Britain but increasingly dispersed and sold (often to American universities) in the postwar period. Hayward and Squire were very different characters and John Smart places them firmly in the centre of their different London circles: Hayward’s (his spider’s web – ‘Tarantula’ was his nickname) the world of The Criterion, Faber & Faber and the salon of Lady Ottoline Morrell; Squire’s (the Squirarchy) the world of Edward Marsh, Harold Monro and the Georgian Poetry anthologies, of cricket and of his own magazine, The London Mercury

Coming back to both these biographies, as I have been doing ever since I learned with distress last summer that John Smart had died, has made me realise – more clearly than before – how valuable these two books are. Taken together, they map the landscapes of literary London in the first half of the twentieth century in a way that has not been done by anyone else. They reveal too, at once critically and sympathetically, just how deeply both Squire and Hayward cared about literature past and present, about reading and about the contribution of literature to the health of society. These, I am sure, are essential characteristics of men and women of letters writing at any time and in any country. Men and women of letters still exist (of course they do) and their participation in debates about literature and their encouragement of reading is as important as ever; these days, however, they simply travel under a different passport.

Lives of writers, and of their biographers, matter too. Re-reading both Tarantula’s Web and Shores of Paradise I have heard John’s voice alongside the voices of Hayward and Squire, whom he brought to life in a way many historians and biographers never quite manage with their subjects. John’s research was formidable, his knowledge of English poetry ditto, but his writing was always accessible and never pedantic. Sometimes (especially in his writing about Squire) I have heard John chuckling, too; his quiet amusement – his wry response to the vicissitudes of life and to the foibles of students, colleagues or friends –always at hand. He loved his family and his home, his books and his wine; he enjoyed company and was an excellent host but he loved, too, simply to be out walking with his dogs or watching birdlife on the Norfolk marshes. He was one of the least self-important people I have ever known, and I would say of John Smart that he was the kind of teacher whom alumni remember with affection and gratitude. As indeed do I. More than ever now, I admire him as the teacher and writer I knew for over fifty years – we met in Durham on the same PGCEd course in 1971 – and I shall always remember our friendship as one of the most important of my life.

In Tarantula’s Web, I came across this in the Acknowledgements: ‘Adrian Barlow is the godfather of this book. He first gave me the idea of writing about John Hayward and using the papers at King’s that had been embargoed until 2000.’  And after that book was published, John rang me about a possible subject for his next biography. ‘I’m thinking of JC Squire – what do you think? he asked, slightly nervous when he heard me burst out laughing. 'I think it’s an excellent idea,’ I replied, ‘especially as at this very moment my feet are resting on an almost complete set of The London Mercury someone has just bequeathed to me. Would you like them?’ John generously mentioned this too in the Acknowledgements of Shores of Paradise. I cannot adequately express how glad I am that our friendship led to the writing of two such books.

© Adrian Barlow, 2025

Illustrations: (i) the two books by John Smart under discussion; (ii) the title page of Virginia Woolf’s book, The Common Reader (second series). The Epigraph reads: “... I rejoice to concur with the common reader; for by the common sense of readers, uncorrupted by literary prejudices, after all the refinements of subtilty and the dogmatism of learning, must be generally decided all claim to poetical honours.” Dr. Johnson, Life of Gray; (iii) Sir John Squire; The Book Collector - the yellow-covered copy is Volume 1, No. 1; (iv) John Smart’s biography of John Hayward, Tarantula’s Web.

I have also written about John Smart in two previous posts:

Tarantula: John Hayward, Man of Letters

At the Biographers’ Club Prize Dinner


  1. Thank you! I do hope you change your decision and give us a few more blogs. They are always a highlight when they arrive.

    1. Many thanks, Tom. I’ll do my best! I’m starting to think about trying to put together a selection of posts from my blog to see if any publisher might be interested. Happy new year!

    2. What a good book that would be!

  2. I am ashamed that I do not read your blog as often as I should. You introduce me to things I knew nothing of. You expand my knowledge remarkably on occasions when I thought I knew a good deal. I am learning that you must make the most of a wonderful life, so can I too make a plea for more. Happy new year.

  3. Belated response to your new year blog. Fascinating, and if I'm not mistaken John Smart spoke to us about TS Eliot at some point in our studies together, is that right? Hope you are keeping well and l very much urge you to bring together a collection of your posts for publication. All best, Anil.
